Theme of the Week: Making the Most of Vacations
Bible Verse: “Go, eat your bread with pleasure, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart, for God has already accepted your works.” Ecclesiastes 9:7
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 9:7-10
Christopher Ash taught me a new phrase: sustainable sacrifice. In his book, Zeal Without Burnout, Ash uses this term to refer to a way of living that allows us to go on giving day after day.
If we work too hard, we can sacrifice, but only for a short time. But if we establish patterns that allow us to serve and then rest, we’ll be able to serve for a long time.
That’s why we need vacations.
Vacations are a gift from God. During a vacation, we get away from our everyday responsibilities and recharge. When we return, we’re ready to continue serving and giving in a way that we wouldn’t if we hadn’t taken a vacation. That may not always happen, but it’s the goal.
I know a pastor who goes hunting every Fall. If he didn’t hunt, he says he wouldn’t be as good a pastor. That challenges me. As I go on vacation this summer, I want to recharge so that I can live a life of sustainable sacrifice, returning with energy to love my family well and reengage with my work.
In the end, vacation isn’t just about us. It’s about glorifying God, getting the rest we need, loving those that God has put in our lives, and being restored so we can live with sustainable sacrifice.
So rest well this summer. Take a real break, and ask God to work through it. May he give you rest and renew you so that you can return and live a life of sustainable sacrifice for him.
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