Theme of the Week: Why Is Life So Hard?
Bible Verse: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1
Scripture Reading: Psalm 107:1-43
I wonder if there was some way to survey the questions people ask when they are suffering. I bet if they did, the runaway winner would be, “Why is this happening?”
How many times have I asked the question, “Why”?
I spent five years without work, without meaningful income, without health, without impact or significance. Why would this happen to me? What did I do that was so bad? How come everyone else could keep going while I got sidelined? I asked the question “why” a lot.
To be honest, I think this is a good question if I ask it honestly and humbly. In fact, I have learned a lot by pondering that simple question. I have come to realize that when I ask it there are two things I am hoping will be satisfied: my mind and my heart. You see, this is both an objective, intellectual question as well as a deeply personal, emotional question.
I have come to realize that there are actually several possibilities for why some suffering is happening to me. And like any good doctor or mechanic, I need to diagnose the problem before I can prescribe a solution; when I can identify a particular reason for a particular suffering, it can help me navigate my way through that suffering a little better.
One Psalm that has been particularly instructive to me in this is Psalm 107. I love the poetry and symmetry of the Psalm. It describes five different groups of people and the reasons why they suffer. I believe that all of my suffering can be related back to one of these five groups. When I consider my suffering through this lens, it helps me know what my most appropriate response should be.
Over this next week, we are going to look at that Psalm. I would encourage you to read through it every day. Let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart. Suffering is miserable for all of us, but hopefully this week will give you insights and strategies on how to navigate difficult times in your life.
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I hope you have a great week and that, no matter what you are going through, you will sense the presence of God and His love in your life in exceeding ways.
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