Theme of the Week: Listening With Jesus
Bible Verse: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Scripture Reading: John 8:12-30
We are blessed to live in an age of technology. Virtually any form of information is within our fingertips. We could easily lose our way on roads and highways if we didn’t have access to a mobile map app or GPS.
When I think about how to apply a simplistic rule to the road of life, I would say it’s important for us to tailgate the Lord. What do I mean? I mean that we can never go wrong letting the Lord lead. He would be a superior guide. He would be trustworthy. You would have confidence in His skills, and His sense of direction is impeccable. Sure, you could go out in the passing lane, put the pedal to the floor, and take your chances that you won’t get busted. But you’ll be uneasy the whole time, constantly scanning ahead to make sure you’re going undetected, checking your mirror and looking over your shoulder. That might be fun for a while, but sooner or later you’re going to get burned, and say to yourself, “That was really stupid!”
Hey, God gives us free will, and we make our own choices. He’s not going to chase us around, although God sure would love if we followed His directions and obeyed His guidelines.
If you think about it, road signs are a lot like God. They’re warning to protect us and designed for our own good. They aren’t made to punish us and be controlling. Signs are in place because serious accidents happen when we ignore them and think we are above the law.
I think I would rather tailgate the Lord, follow His lead, and obey His laws and avoid a crash.
Taken from 40 Days in the Man Cave by Todd Stahl. Used with permission.
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