Theme of the Week: A Godly Home
Bible Verse: “Everything is permissible for me,” but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me,” but I will not be mastered by anything. 1 Corinthians 6:1, CSB
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:6-20
If an alien were sent on a recon mission to earth and judged our culture by the magazines in the checkout line, he’d conclude that one of our biggest problems was that we didn’t know how to have sex right. Think of all the headlines like, “10 Tricks That Will Make His Toes Curl” that scream out every week. Our culture is obsessed with trying new things in bed.
God says that freedom should characterize the Christian life. So within a marriage, most things you do sexually are perfectly fine. Many Christians worry that new positions or new ways to touch or kiss may cross a line, but the marriage bed is undefiled. Fun is good!
Yet this verse tells us that there is a balance. Let’s make sure that in exercising that freedom, we don’t inadvertently mimic our culture’s distorted view of sex. Not everything we do is beneficial, especially if it makes sex only about the physical and not about a spiritual connection.
Many couples would benefit from changing things up in the bedroom from time to time. Not every encounter, after all, has to have great spiritual significance; a quick interlude is awesome. But the sexual relationship as a whole should not be so focused on the physical that you lose out on becoming more vulnerable, more intimate, more one.
Ask yourselves: Are we living out our freedom in the bedroom? And are we living out that freedom in a way that’s beneficial? Great sex doesn’t need batteries. It just needs love, commitment, and laughter.
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