Our experiences have a profound effect on the way we live our lives. When it comes to our sexual pasts, these experiences can lead to us picking up beliefs that …
3 Keys to Overcoming Lust
What does it mean to “overcome?” While we’re at it, what does it mean to be overcome? We can be overcome with emotion, which means we are overwhelmed by our …
How Our Beliefs Affect Our Sexual Brokenness
Have you ever been so embroiled in a battle against your own sexual sin that the words of Scripture just don’t seem to stick? John 8:31-32 says: “If you abide …
Learning From Our Sexual Sin
“Cliner, what were you doing?! Get it hard off the boards and out!!” I was playing junior hockey for the Red Deer Rebels. Our coach, Brent Sutter (of the legendary …
3 Steps to Great Sex in Your Marriage
So, you want to have great sex in your marriage? Fortunately, God wants that, too. But what even is “great sex”? And how do we get it? Is it wild …
EP 66: The Great Sex Rescue with Sheila Wray and Keith Gregoire
Disclaimer: This conversation frankly discusses sensitive topics relating to sex and marriage that may not be age-appropriate for younger viewers/listeners. In this month’s podcast, Dean sits down for a conversation …
Why Wait For Marriage To Have Sex
Why do we encourage people to wait until they are married to have a sexual relationship? Join Sathiya Sam for a candid discussion about the wisdom of waiting. The health …
EP 52: The Thing Beneath the Thing. Dealing with Your Stuff to Live Strong and Courageous
As men, we often feel the desire to provide for our families, and sometimes that pressure can feel overwhelming. Culture tells us to hustle and gather things, but sometimes that comes into conflict with what God is calling us to.
Overcoming Sexual Sin
In my last post in this series, I talked about why men commit sexual sin. Today, I want to follow up those thoughts by exploring the question of whether it …
No Trace of Sexual Immorality
We group a few of us to take a 30-day purity challenge. For 30 days, pay attention to how we view the opposite sex. One guy, though, resisted. “Honestly, I …