Bible Passage: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33
Ever had one of those days when you can’t really do anything except exhale and say, “What now?!”
Paul must have felt at least some of that exasperation when dealing with the church in Corinth. There were so many problems!
To be fair, it was a young church, and many of those believers were coming out of other religious practices and trying to learn what it meant to be a follower of Jesus.
They were trying to figure out what being “bought with a price” meant for how they lived their lives (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
They were getting a lot of things wrong. Rather than the united group of followers that Jesus prayed for before His death (see John 17:20-26), the young church in Corinth was characterized by division, in-fighting, and a clear perception of superiority by some over others based on gifts and talents.
But that was not all.
One of the specific issues the church was fighting over was whether or not it was okay to eat meat that had been sacrificed to idols. Probably not the issue most men are facing in church.
But hang tight; we can find something useful in Paul’s encouragement.
In Corinth, some believers were struggling with whether or not it was okay to eat meat that had been sacrificed to idols. Paul encouraged those who thought nothing of the sacrifice to be considerate of those who were fearful and to go along with whatever course of action made others more comfortable.
Men, I’m sure I could end this right there and let you think about those areas of your life where you may need to consider the viewpoint of others and ask yourself if you should be the one to give way.
However, the closing call to wisdom deserves our attention. Paul reminds us always to ask, “Why?” Why are we doing what we are doing? Just like the little boy you once were, keep asking, “Why?”
According to Paul, our ultimate “why” needs to be “to bring God glory.” Just like the end of the argument over sex being the honor of God (see yesterday’s devotional), the end of this argument is whatever glorifies God.
Our choices, especially as they relate to how they impact others, need to be made in the pursuit of God’s glory. No justifications or rationalizations. Just plain and simple:
Why am I doing this?
Will this bring glory to God?
Prayer: God, I confess that I want to bring You glory and sometimes try to make arguments about what brings You glory so that I can do what I want. Help me to see my actions and their impact on others in light of what truly and objectively brings You glory. Amen.
Reflection: When you are faced with a choice that impacts others, how do you decide the best course of action?
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