Bible Verse: He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
Scripture Reading: Psalm 116: 12-19
This week, we celebrated faith and observed the second Sunday in the Advent calendar, where we reflected on the remarkable faith of the main characters present at Jesus’ birth.
Seven hundred years before the event, Micah prophesized about the birth of Jesus and remained faithful to God despite facing hostility from a young age.
Mary and Joseph remained steadfast in their faith and willingly sacrificed their lives to fulfill God’s plan of salvation for humanity. As they aged and faced pressure from their peers, their faith grew more potent, and they recognized that we were all created by God for His divine purpose. They remained humble and obedient, placing their trust in God to provide security and safety for their family.
The Magi and shepherds were not the obvious choices to proclaim the good news of the Saviour born in a stable in Bethlehem. But we know our Father works against expectations all the time, and He selected foreigners and low-class shepherds to announce the birth of His Son. The symbol of childlike faith to leave everything behind and blindly follow the belief that a Saviour will be found is an example of faith in action.
What lessons can we learn from these characters and their extraordinary faith?
First, we should allow animosity to strengthen our faith.
Second, we should not change our beliefs to fit into society but use our faith to spread the truth that we all need a Savior.
Lastly, true faith results in obedience. In the story of the birth of Jesus, all the characters displayed unwavering faith even in the face of great danger.
When I was younger, my priority was to conform to societal norms and avoid standing out as an outsider. However, my perspective has since shifted. I now realize that, in the grand scheme of things, it is only God’s opinion that truly matters.
Prayer: Father, I pray that everyone who reads this devotional will gain at least one faith characteristic that will increase their faith in You. Amen.
Reflection: Consider how you can increase your faith in God’s plan to become more like Jesus.
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