The Front Porch: Called to Justice

In Daily Devotional by Bill Nixon

Theme of the Week: A Godly Home

Bible Verse: “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27, CSB

Scripture Reading: James 1:19-27

If I had to pick just one verse, that verse would be Micah 6:8. God answers the question most of us have asked, “God, what is it you desire of me anyway”? In verse 8, we read God’s reply, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Whenever I lose my way as to what God desires, I come back to this verse. God has a call on all of our lives to be a people of justice and mercy. Justice and mercy are really where ministry takes place, and as a couple, you need to come to terms with how to make your home a place where all this happens. But verse 8 also gives us one of the great secrets of successfully ministering as a couple. Learn to walk humbly in the presence of God.

Why is that so important? Because if you begin to live out justice and mercy in your lives as a couple, the opportunities to do the ministry of Christ that will come your way will be so overwhelming at times, all you’ve got is God. That’s where real ministry takes place. It is a complete submission to the sovereign call of God in your lives that goes beyond the circumstances and becomes an expression of a deep faith that simply says yes to God.

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Bill Nixon
Bill Nixon is the Managing Director for The Mustard Seed Alberta. At its three ministry locations across Alberta, The Mustard Seed seeks to address the root causes of poverty through the delivery of basic services, housing, employment and the provision of a safe, supportive community for those in need.
Bill Nixon
Bill Nixon is the Managing Director for The Mustard Seed Alberta. At its three ministry locations across Alberta, The Mustard Seed seeks to address the root causes of poverty through the delivery of basic services, housing, employment and the provision of a safe, supportive community for those in need.