Bible Verse: I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds. Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. With your mighty arm you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. Psalm 77:11–15 NIV
Scripture Reading: Psalm 9:1; Mark 10:27; John 14:11; Acts 2:22; Revelation 11:17
This will be a week-long devotional about miracles.
For the Christian, a miracle is a divine intervention by God in human affairs.
God’s miracles reveal His Deity and help us better understand what He is saying to us. When we witness God performing miracles or read about them in Scripture, we see His mighty power in action. Our response should be one of awe and praise to God.
Men: our belief in miracles is vital because a life of faith must include a belief in the miraculous. As men, we have limitations, as much as we hate to admit it; however, nothing is impossible with God (Mark 10:27), and He often proves it through His miraculous acts.
To doubt His miracles is to doubt who He is.
To celebrate and remember His miracles glorifies Him.
God is not bound by nature because He is the Creator of all things. He can use, suspend, or completely bypass the laws of nature as He chooses, because He is God.
Be warned: the miraculous and supernatural aspect of Christianity is often met with skepticism and disbelief. The heart and mind of man seem to long for other-worldly powers or fantasy superheroes to save or help us, but sadly, many do not want that other power to be God.
Christians who believe the Bible choose to worship God for who He is, and simply accept that He alone is Almighty God (Revelation 11:17) and perfectly capable of any miracle He chooses to perform.
We believe in miracles because we believe God can do them.
The life and ministry of Jesus are full of miracles, including His virgin birth and Incarnation, His many healing miracles, His resurrection, and His ascension, to name a few.
One cannot be a true Christian without believing God miraculously sent His Son Jesus to miraculously save us.
Over the next week, we’ll examine some of the specific miracles of Jesus in the Bible.
The goal is to help you see God as a miracle worker, both then and now, and to increase your faith to believe in miracles in your own life and the lives of others.
Prayer: Father, as I begin exploring miracles in the Scriptures, help me to see Your mighty hand at work. I believe You are a miracle-working God, and I choose to worship You for who You are. Thank You for revealing more of Your divine power and for strengthening my faith in the days ahead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Reflection: Do you have any personal skepticism regarding miracles? If we cannot at least believe what the Bible says about miracles, it will be difficult to believe God can do miracles in our lives. Make certain you worship God for who Scripture declares Him to be and not who you “allow” Him to be. Let this devotional be a faith-stretcher for you!
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