Bible Verse: When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. Mark 5:27-29 NIV
Scripture Reading: Mark 5:24–34; Matthew 15:29–31; John 2:11; Acts 10:38; Romans 10:17; Hebrews 13:8
At the wedding party at Cana, when Jesus turned water into wine, Scripture says this was when Jesus first began to perform miracles (John 2:11). He began His public ministry after His baptism in the Jordan River, and then He began to show His glory (demonstrate He was God) through all kinds of miracles.
As God began to work through Jesus in extraordinary ways, His miracles included creative miracles, nature-related miracles, provisional miracles, healing miracles, restorative miracles, and other kinds of miracles.
In other words, His miracles were as diverse as the needs of men and women are. There was no problem He could not solve or need He could not meet—and it’s still that way today when it comes to you and me.
Jesus hasn’t changed (Hebrews 13:8); He still works miracles today.
Jesus’ healing miracles were often instantaneous, but others were gradual. God can do both, for His own purposes.
We want to examine an instant miracle story today.
Mark 5:24-34 tells us about a woman who was instantly healed, and there are lessons we can apply to our own lives:
- Every miracle begins with a problem. The woman was desperate, but she let her problem motivate her to seek out Jesus. When you are at the end of your rope, Jesus can help you. Don’t give up; look to Him. Look to God when things seem hopeless, and lead others there, too.
- What you hear about Jesus makes a difference and affects your beliefs (Romans 10:17). The woman had heard good things about Jesus, giving her hope and faith. Men, what are you hearing about Jesus that pulls you towards Him? What you hear, read, and study about Jesus can move you towards your own miracle.
- Faith gets you in a position to receive a miracle. Jesus said the woman’s faith made her whole. Obviously, Jesus’ divine power healed her, but her faith pushed her through the crowd to where Jesus was. Men, your faith will also get you through the obstacles on your way to Him.
This woman felt a change happen in her body instantly. This does not always happen in a miracle, but things can change immediately. God can intervene instantly, and in this woman’s case, it’s exactly what the woman needed.
Prayer: Father, I praise You and thank You for the miracles You give us to help us in our desperate times. Help me as I learn more about Jesus and His great love for me despite my problems. Help me be strong and faithful and not allow obstacles to keep me from receiving from Him. Help me see Jesus, not just the challenges in front of me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Reflection: Is there a problem in your life that needs an instant miracle? While we can’t determine exactly how or when Jesus will respond, our job is to ensure we hear the truth about Jesus and let it impact our thinking and attitudes. This puts us on a path of hope. Your problem could be the beginning of something miraculous. Get Jesus involved. What habits can you adjust so that you focus on Jesus more and not just the challenges in your way?
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