The Wise Enjoyment of Sexuality

In Daily Devotional, Life Issues, Sex by Matt Cline

Theme of the Week: Our Sexuality Matters to God

Bible Verse: “For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths.” Proverbs 5:21

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 5:1-23

Sex. Many people don’t know what to do with that one-syllable word, yet we inevitably can’t stay neutral about it.

Some time ago, the CNN website featured a woman who lived a promiscuous lifestyle for many years . She’d had many illicit relationships and reflected on them at 40 years of age. She didn’t fully understand what God teaches about sexual purity. Yet, it was obvious from her words that one can’t violate God’s ways without consequences. She came to see that casual sex is “hollow” and “heartless.” Her experiment with casual sex failed. It didn’t bring her joy or meaning.

It’s often said that the Christian view is repressive, rigid, and joy-denying. But it is exactly the opposite. Stories like this testify to the truth that sexual relations bring joy within a committed relationship.

More than that, it testifies that everything God created has a purpose and a design behind it, and we enjoy the benefits forethought by God, the Creator, when we submit to that.

This week we will explore in the book of Proverbs how our sexuality matters to God. We will talk about:

  • Why does our sexuality matter to God?
  • The consequences of sexual folly.
  • The strategies of sexual temptation.
  • Where to find the love we long for.

Share this devotional with your friends and invite them to learn what God has to say about this significant area of our life. If you have not subscribed to our daily devotionals to receive daily in your email, you can do so here.

If you or someone you know are struggling with sexual issues, we encourage you to reach out to Restored Ministries. Restored Ministries is for both men and women who wrestle with sexual addiction, betrayal, abuse and more.

Copyright © 2021 Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

Matt Cline
Matt is the founder and director of Restored Ministries, focused on leading men and women out of sexual brokenness and into a life of freedom and impact. Internationally known as a leading speaker and coach on Biblical sexuality, he has seen countless lives radically changed around the world and has trained leaders to multiply the impact. His resources have reached thousands of people in over 120 countries and he regularly speaks at in-person and virtual events. He and his wife, Louise, live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with their two sons.
Matt Cline
Matt is the founder and director of Restored Ministries, focused on leading men and women out of sexual brokenness and into a life of freedom and impact. Internationally known as a leading speaker and coach on Biblical sexuality, he has seen countless lives radically changed around the world and has trained leaders to multiply the impact. His resources have reached thousands of people in over 120 countries and he regularly speaks at in-person and virtual events. He and his wife, Louise, live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with their two sons.