Walk In Love

In Daily Devotional by Walk Thru The Bible

Theme of the Week: Stand Strong

Bible Verse: “And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2 ESV

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:2, Matthew 26:36-46

Ask a man about the word commitment, and he can tell you right away what he’s committed to. A job. A wife. A team. Kids. The church. Jesus. But linguists say that the word commitment was not used as much fifty years ago as it is today. When you make a commitment, you are still in the driver’s seat, no matter how noble the cause to which you are committed. You can commit to make car payments, pray, memorize Scripture, lose weight, give money. Whatever you choose to do, you remain accountable. Remember that moment in Matthew 26:39 when Jesus is in the garden? “My Father!” He says. “If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” He surrendered to His Father’s plan, even if His flesh was tempted to waver for a moment.

When you remain in control of everything as a husband, your flesh will be tempted to waver from your commitment. But a husband who is surrendered to walking in love gives himself up daily, sacrificing his own wants for the sake of the marriage. He gives up trying to control every situation and simply surrenders every part of his marriage to the Lord. That isn’t weakness. It’s really the beginning of great strength. And what relief it brings—both to you and to those around you. You don’t have to try to control outcomes anymore; you can leave things to God.

Wave a white flag to God’s plan for your marriage today. It may sound like defeat, but it’s actually the path to lasting victory.

Taken from The One Year Daily Moments of Strength: Inspiration for Men, Copyright © 2017 by Walk Thru the Bible. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

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Walk Thru The Bible
Every day, God is using Walk Thru the Bible to share His Word around the world. Walk Thru the Bible serves the biblically unengaged, the persecuted church, and under-resourced pastors and Bible teachers—from India to Honduras, from Kenya to Moldova, from the UK to Venezuela, and the U.S. and Canada.
Walk Thru The Bible
Every day, God is using Walk Thru the Bible to share His Word around the world. Walk Thru the Bible serves the biblically unengaged, the persecuted church, and under-resourced pastors and Bible teachers—from India to Honduras, from Kenya to Moldova, from the UK to Venezuela, and the U.S. and Canada.