Theme of the Week: Godly Men Are Protectors
Bible Verse: “The woman saw that the tree was good for food and delightful to look at, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” Genesis 3:6 ESV
Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-13
God told Adam and Eve that they couldn’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And yet, when the serpent showed up to tempt Eve to eat the fruit, Adam said nothing. He was with her, but in the background. The first time he speaks in the account, it’s to dodge responsibility and blame his wife (Genesis 3:13).
Where was Adam? Why didn’t he speak up?
Larry Crabb writes: “Adam remained silent. He failed to remember and move. That first failure of relational masculinity has now become the pattern of relating that comes naturally to all Adam’s male descendants. Men don’t cross the bridge. Husbands shut down. They turn away from moving with protective strength into their wives’ desire for intimacy.”1
One of the temptations we face as guys is to give into passivity instead of offering protection. Where do you fight passivity? If you’re married, where do you need to fight for your wife’s wellbeing today?
1 Crabb, Dr. Larry. Fully Alive: A Biblical Vision of Gender That Frees Men and Women to Live Beyond Stereotypes (pp. 75-76). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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