Theme of the Week: Faith and Work
Bible Verse: “For my people’s lives will be like the lifetime of a tree. My chosen ones will fully enjoy the work of their hands.” Isaiah 65:22
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 65:17-25
For Christians, our death is not the end. The Bible tells us that we will be resurrected and will live for eternity. Revelation promises that we will enjoy rest (Revelation 14:13).
But rest doesn’t mean inactivity. When Isaiah described the new heavens and the new earth, he pictured a place where we will work, except without all the frustration. In the new earth, though, the thorns and thistles will be gone. We’ll finally be able to do work that doesn’t suffer from the curse of sin. Our work will no longer be a drudgery.
Randy Alcorn writes, “Our best workdays on Earth —when everything turns out better than we planned, when everything’s done on time, when everyone on the team pulls together and enjoys each other —are just a foretaste of the joy our work will bring us in Heaven.”1
So keep working. God created you to work, and your work, no matter what it is, is an act of worship to God. You will experience frustration in your work right now, but that’s part of life in this fallen world. Your work still matters. God sees it and will reward it. And one day you will get to enjoy work in eternity without all the thorns and thistles.
Men: your work matters. Do it for the glory of God!
1 Alcorn, Randy. Heaven: Biblical Answers to Common Questions. Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition. Location 183.
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