Gift of Life Insurance
Planting the seed of hope
Tax-effective gifts of life insurance
Thank you for your faithful giving which helps us reach men of all ages for Jesus, so that they may rise up to be men of godly character and impact on their families and in their churches, workplaces, and communities.
Did you know that a gift of life insurance is a tax-effective method of giving? Life insurance policies provide several tax-smart giving methods—all of which enable us to plant the seeds of hope in men’s lives.

3 ways to make a gift of life insurance:
- Transferring ownership of a paid-up policy allows you to receive an income tax receipt for the paid cash value.
- Naming Impactus as the beneficiary of your policy blesses Impactus and permits your estate to receive an official tax receipt.
- Taking out a new policy naming Impactus as the owner and beneficiary enables you to receive tax receipts for premium payments.
These are just some of the many ways that life insurance provides tax-smart giving opportunities while also supporting the ministry of Impactus to all men.
Give us a call to learn more about gifts of life insurance: 1-888-901-9700