This episode features Sathiya Sam, he is a coach who helps men experience permanent freedom from pornography. A recovered addict himself, Sathiya is the creator of DeepCleanTM – a research-based and Bible-backed system for overcoming porn addiction.
One day I will get free of porn and do everything in my power to help as many other men as possible get free in a much shorter time.
Sathiya first discovered porn when he was only eleven years old. What started as an innocent mistake would eventually become an obsession. After experiencing deep brokenness he eventually cried out to God for help. Long story short, it took Sathiya 15 years to fully recover from porn addiction and now helps men experience the same freedom.
Listen to this honest interview with Sathiya and be encouraged by his journey to freedom. Know even if you feel deeply trapped by addiction, there is hope for you.
- DeepClean™: