Former England superstar football captain David Beckham recalls being sent off the field in the 1998 World Cup Finals:
“It was probably the longest walk in my life…looking back, I’m not sure what thoughts were going through my mind: it was a swirl of fear, guilt, anger, worry, and confusion.
“My head was spinning…I walked into the dressing room. The rules stated that I had to stay in there for the remainder of the match. England lost. We were out of the World Cup.
“When the England players came back into the dressing room, no one breathed a word to me. There was almost complete silence. I could feel my stomach tightening even more. I gulped, breathed in, and gulped again. I was in a packed changing room, but I had never felt so lonely in my life. I was isolated and afraid…I was trapped in my own sense of guilt and anxiety.”
Men often think we are wired to be tough, strong, “just deal with it” guys, but the reality is that many of us struggle with deep concerns, fears, and anxieties. We often suffer alone, isolated and lonely.
But we don’t have to deal with this on our own.
Today, we’ll examine the starting point for handling anxiety. Our guest today is Jonny Ardavanis. He is the lead pastor of Stonebridge Bible Church and the founder and president of Dial In Ministries, a ministry that provides biblical resourcing for the next generation. He is passionate about people coming to know and love Jesus Christ as they pursue a deeper understanding of His Word. Jonny lives in Franklin, TN, with his wife and two daughters.
Jonny has recently written a book called Consider the Lillies: Finding Perfect Peace in the Character of God. This is no gardening book; rather, it points us to an antidote to fear and anxiety in the unshakable and timeless character of God.
He shares from his personal struggles with anxiety, explores how guys navigate anxiety and fear, references the many men in Scripture who grapple with these same things, and most importantly, why knowing God’s character as Lord and Father is so important to helping us navigate anxiety, worry, and fear.
Join us for an amazing conversation!
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