How to Reach Men Who Don’t Attend Church

In Leadership Tips, Men’s Ministry, Mission, Spiritual Growth, Videos by Impactus

Based on a recent study on faith in Canada men are not connecting or participating in the life of the local church as they once were. This means that if our men’s ministry strategies are built to focus on the men in our church, we are trying to reach a shrinking audience. So, how can your ministry to men reach men who are not part of your church?

Equipping men for a life of purpose and godly impact. For over twenty-five years, Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities. We are expanding our impact and influence by being faithful to Jesus’ command—“Go and make disciples.”
Equipping men for a life of purpose and godly impact. For over twenty-five years, Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities. We are expanding our impact and influence by being faithful to Jesus’ command—“Go and make disciples.”