Imagine the year 570 B.C. The world conquest map was changing, and the Babylonians were at the height of their powers. The Israelites had been taken into captivity by Babylon’s …
The Coming of the Spirit
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the …
Family – Living on Mission Together
How can we energize our families to engage in the mission of making disciples? I’ll begin with a confession: I’m not very good at this. Personal evangelism isn’t my strong …
EP 47 – Persecution, Prayer, and Playing our Part with Gary Stagg & Andrew Croft
Did you know that 1 in 7 Christians worldwide face persecution? The word “persecution” has become more common in segments of the Western Christian church, especially through the difficult months of …
Four Qualities of a Christ-Centered Business(and what a Christ-Centered Business is not)
Should businesses be “Christ-centered”? Or, is that calling reserved for your local church? Most Christian business professionals are employed within “Babylonian” organizational cultures. Unlike Daniel, Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego, these …
EP 31: Making a Difference in Your Community – Dr. Michael Bayer
“We need to get out of our comfort zone if we want to see God at work”. Deep down, godly men want to make a difference and live a life …
The Priorities and Practices of Christian Leaders
What do Christian managers do on Monday morning? Here is an article from a study done by Regent University, There is some information available about what Christian managers actually do, …
A Voice for the Voiceless
Theme of the Week: Faith and Hope in Action Bible Verse: I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, …
Earning the Trust of Others by Loving Like Jesus
During the turbulent pandemic year of 2020, war erupted between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the landlocked South Caucasus region of Nagorno-Karabakh. A historically disputed area, the new conflict was the …
Meeting Jesus in Prison – A Clash of Perspectives
It was a clash of perspectives. I could tell by the disdain being tossed my way that the speaker clearly judged me by my current salary. I silently reminded myself …