Compassion is defined as “helping someone in their time of need”. Justice is the act of “eliminating that which causes a need”. We are often good at offering compassion, but what can we do when we see injustice taking place that causes the need for compassion? What can we as men do to battle injustice? Dwayne Cline addressed the topic of injustice at the Winnipeg Impact Conference in 2019.
Watch the entire sermon on injustice and what we can do about it:

Dwayne Cline
Dwayne Cline is the lead pastor of Hughson Street Baptist Church in Hamilton, ON. Dwayne and his congregation have been able to nurture and mentor individuals in the church, discern where God is at work in the neighbourhood and answer His call to go out in the name of Jesus. He is also a council member for the Gospel Coalition in Canada.Dwayne Cline
Dwayne Cline is the lead pastor of Hughson Street Baptist Church in Hamilton, ON. Dwayne and his congregation have been able to nurture and mentor individuals in the church, discern where God is at work in the neighbourhood and answer His call to go out in the name of Jesus. He is also a council member for the Gospel Coalition in Canada.