Rick’s Story

In Articles, Stories by Impactus

You can be part of reaching more men like Rick.

This is the story of what happens when people like you live out Jesus’ mission. It is the story of how people living out this mission have impacted a man who is a public figure on a journey of growing as a godly man.

Rick is a husband, a father of three sons, and a man just like any other man – he wants to know his life has made a difference. Several years ago, God led Rick to join the Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada staff as the man who would oversee all of the conferences we host across Canada. Along the way, Rick has had the opportunity to see men have amazing encounters with God. These encounters have transformed the lives of thousands of men in a way that only God can do.

man helping climb mountainYou may have even seen Rick on stage at a conference – he’s the one usually telling the bad jokes about the Toronto Maple Leafs.

As much as God has used him to be part of helping thousands of men across Canada, what you may not realize is how much God has used your support and Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada to change Rick.

I’m not sure where I would be today if it weren’t for this ministry. Over the many years, I have grown so much in my prayer life and in my faith. Why? Because I have personally seen and heard the ongoing work of the Lord in the lives of men across Canada.

The real impact in Rick’s life has not just been in what he has witnessed but in the opportunity to have other men stand with him and help him in his spiritual journey.

There was a time several years ago when things were not going so great for me. I went through a really difficult time. I had been hiding a big secret, and it finally caught up to me. It would have been easy for those around me to distance themselves – but they didn’t. Everyone here lives the slogan “Leave No Man Behind.” As much as we continually talk about how God works through this ministry “out there,” He also works in the lives of us who are part of this team. The godly people around me over many years – staff members, speakers, volunteers, they have all played a part in sharpening and helping me to grow as a man following Jesus.

Rick knows that just working at Promise Keepers Canada | Promise Keepers Canada does not mean he has arrived as a godly man. He has been learning and growing in becoming the man God wants him to be.

For many years, I have had the privilege of having a front-row seat to watch God shape Rick’s life. What has been amazing to see is how God has changed Rick on the inside and the way that has affected who he is on the outside. I watch him support other men who are at their lowest points, and I see how he prays and serves with godly humility.

Is he perfect? No. But he is surrendered to Jesus and wants to be led by Him every day.

This has happened because of God’s grace and people like you.

Your financial and prayer support has made it possible for thousands of men – including Rick – to have their lives changed.

All across Canada, there are millions of more men just like Rick. They attend church but are not alive in Christ. They are hiding secrets and struggling with their shame when they could be walking in freedom because of God’s grace and power. They have so much potential to be men who are having a greater impact in their families, workplaces, and communities – but they need to be called out and sharpened by God.

You can be part of reaching more men like Rick.

“I have said many times before – when a man is walking with Jesus, everyone wins,” Rick.

Equipping men for a life of purpose and godly impact. For over twenty-five years, Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities. We are expanding our impact and influence by being faithful to Jesus’ command—“Go and make disciples.”
Equipping men for a life of purpose and godly impact. For over twenty-five years, Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities. We are expanding our impact and influence by being faithful to Jesus’ command—“Go and make disciples.”