Brittni & Richard De La Mora

Leaving Porn and Finding Love

In Family, Life Issues, Marriage, Podcast, Pornography, Stories by Brittni De La Mora

When Richard first met Brittni he had no idea she had been featured in over 300 adult films and left the industry after becoming a Christian. Brittni knew he would need to know about her past if they were to have an honest relationship but was afraid of his response. Many people struggle coming to terms with their partner’s past, but this was on a different level than most.

This is the incredible story of two very brave individuals who worked through their past and are living to the fullest today.

Over 50,000 people have watched our This Is Me TV episode featuring the story of Brittni and Richard. We follow up with them to see how their journey has continued.

Related Links and Resources:

Brittni De La Mora
Brittni is a former porn star that the original XXXchurch outreach team met while she was still working in the industry. After seven years of telling her Jesus loved her, she finally believed it. Brittni and her husband Rich, now champion XXXchurch.
Brittni De La Mora
Brittni is a former porn star that the original XXXchurch outreach team met while she was still working in the industry. After seven years of telling her Jesus loved her, she finally believed it. Brittni and her husband Rich, now champion XXXchurch.