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Ruslan – Turning Pain into Purpose

In Stories, This Is Me TV, Videos by This Is Me TV

From a traumatic childhood to finding faith, healing, and success, Ruslan shares his story of growing up in Azerbaijan and moving to the United States as a refugee. Despite the instability, sexual abuse and family violence, Ruslan found a turning point and dedicated himself to positive change through education, fitness, and music. This transformation led him to rediscover faith, explore apologetics, and embrace Christianity.

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Jon Keith – Dealing With My Demon

In Stories, This Is Me TV, Videos by This Is Me TV

Have you ever wondered about the allure and reality of being a male in the adult industry—surrounded by countless women and engaging in seemingly endless intimate encounters? But is it truly a dream? Are those scenes an accurate reflection of reality? Should our intimate expectations be based on what happens in these clips and films?