Your church has great opportunities for your men’s ministry to partner with other men’s groups from other churches in your community. Partnering with other churches does three important things: It …
Dealing with Disappointment as a Leader
All the plans were in place. Promotional material was sent to hundreds of people and churches. The speaker was booked, and his flights were paid for. But on the day …
3 Ways to Build a Strong Support Network
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” ~ African Proverb It almost becomes cliché when we think about “being better together” …
4 Ways to Engage Men at the Margins
Tunnel vision is one of the greatest dangers a leader can face. If you are unfamiliar with tunnel vision, it is when you lose your peripheral vision and can only …
4 Paths to Spiritual Growth as a Leader
Ministry is an “all-in” activity. You can’t just sit back and not be involved. It requires you to give, serve, love, mend, relate, invest, listen, be patient, dream, grieve, work, …
When You Need to Confront Another Man
Who is that one guy you know who frustrates you or creates damage and harm in the lives of others? Deep down, you know something needs to change, but you …
The Gym Bro Revival: God is Moving Among Gen-Z Men
Recently, I joined over 55,000 young adults representing 72 countries gathered in Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium for the annual three-day Passion Conference. Although young adults have been gathering annually for Passion …
Finding the Right Studies For Your Men’s Ministry
Studies are a great way to bring a bunch of guys together for a set period of time to discuss a topic that would be valuable for them. I highly …
Getting Men Involved Beyond Sunday Morning
I remember the first time I read the book “Why Men Hate Going to Church.” It immediately caught my attention and was an honest perspective on some of the barriers …
How to Recognize Ministry Burnout
Most of us join a ministry with a genuine heart to serve the Lord and make a difference. We usually never see burnout or fatigue coming, but it comes…it comes …