An Antidote for Sin

In Daily Devotional by Paul Jolicoeur

Bible Verse: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16

Scripture Reading: 1 John 1:9; Galatians 6:1-2

Listen: we are all sinners.

Remember…“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight.” Romans 3:23-24 (NLT)

Sin leads to shame. Shame wants us alone so it can dominate us.

As men, we often feel the need to look the part. We must have it all together like our house is always in order.

We want to be looked up to and seen as a leader. Of course, if we want to appear like we have it all together, vulnerability seems counterintuitive.

The problem with pretending like we have it all together is twofold:

  1. We get stunted in our spiritual growth.
  2. We create an unrealistic expectation for the other men (especially the younger men) in our church.

So why do we need to live in a community with other believers?

When we engage in our church community, especially a small group of men, our sins can be named, brought to light and put to death.

And, when other men come to us in humility to share their struggles, we can give the same hope and encouragement we have received.

We can’t do this alone, and pretending we can is foolishness.

So, what can you do this week?

First, if you are disengaged from a local church community, engage (or engage again). Start attending and hanging around after the service to meet people.

Second, start small. Pick one or two guys and initiate something simple, like a breakfast or coffee meeting. Relationships need time to grow, so start small.

Third, when appropriate, be vulnerable and share where you are at. It’s amazing what God will do in your life as you do.

Prayer: Jesus, I know I am not perfect. I know that I have sinned. Help me develop the community I need to grow in You, Jesus, and give me the courage to share my burdens. Amen.

Reflection: Of the three points listed above, which one do you need to engage in today or this week? Take a step forward right now! Send a text, and make some effort to move in that direction.

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Paul Jolicoeur
Paul Jolicoeur, a former pastor with the C&MA, is currently in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, and is now focused on the digital marketing world with Impactus. Married to Laurie, they have three young children. He has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Liberty University.
Paul Jolicoeur
Paul Jolicoeur, a former pastor with the C&MA, is currently in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, and is now focused on the digital marketing world with Impactus. Married to Laurie, they have three young children. He has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Liberty University.