Christians Are Meek

In Daily Devotional by Kyvenz Amédée

Theme of the Week: What is a Christian? The Christian Character

Bible Verse: “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 NIV

Scripture Reading: James 3:13-18

We’ve been in a pandemic for over a year now. And many things have happened that shed light on the reality of our internal struggles as men. For example, the UN Women organization published on their website that there’s been a 30% increase in domestic violence around the world since the start of the crisis.

Women are suffering at the hands of men. So when Jesus says blessed are the meek, thinking of our context, it is hard not to think of the multitudes of men needing their hearts to be changed.

Jesus and the people who were listening to him lived in a very different context from ours, since their reality was that of the Greco-Roman world. At that time, men were king and master in society and in the home, and women were considered the property of their father or husband.

If you have ever watched the movie The Ten Commandments starring Charlton Heston as Moses, you may recall the famous line from Ramses to the beautiful Nefretiri, whom he lusted after. His words were anything but romantic. He said to her, full of confidence: “You shall be mine, mine alone, like my dog, my horse, or my falcon.”

Unfortunately, such violence can still be witnessed today. The story of Moses took place centuries before Jesus walked on earth, but some mindsets haven’t changed all that much.

Men like to possess things. Sometimes men use physical or psychological violence, as history shows, but Jesus and numerous Psalms promise that the meek shall possess the earth.

Contrary to what we often seem to believe, violence is an unacceptable way to get ahead in life, according to the One to whom all power has been given in heaven and on earth.

God is looking for the meek to bless.

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Kyvenz Amédée
Kyvenz Amédée is the Lead Pastor of Gospelvie, a multicultural church located in Montreal, Quebec. He is also a speaker and coach, passionate about inspiring and helping people from all walks of life to discover the mind-blowing love of God and to improve their contribution to the world. Kyvenz and his wife Madglara have been married for 20 years, and they have 3 children.
Kyvenz Amédée
Kyvenz Amédée is the Lead Pastor of Gospelvie, a multicultural church located in Montreal, Quebec. He is also a speaker and coach, passionate about inspiring and helping people from all walks of life to discover the mind-blowing love of God and to improve their contribution to the world. Kyvenz and his wife Madglara have been married for 20 years, and they have 3 children.