Theme of the Week: Rest-Work Balance
Bible Verse: “Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God’s people.” Hebrews 4:9 ESV
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:9-11
Our world is in a rush. But from the beginning, God established a rhythm of work and rest. When he gave Israel the Ten Commandments, he included the command to cease from our work once a week to rest and remind ourselves that we are not God.
Although scholars debate whether the Sabbath command applies today, we still need a rhythm of work and rest. It makes sense, once a week, to pause and pursue activities that refresh and energize us, not just as an act of self-care but as a reminder that we are not God, and that we have value apart from our work.
According to Hebrews, rest is more than a break. Rest is a picture of the world the way that God meant it to be. One day we’ll be able to stop our striving and enjoy the fullness of God’s presence and rest. Other passages hint that we’ll still work then, but without all the struggles and striving we experience now.
Our rest now anticipates that day. Enjoy God’s gift of rest. Expect that it will be challenging, but do it anyway. Ask God to help you enjoy his rest as you look forward to when you enjoy the day you enter everlasting rest God has promised to his people.
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