Theme of the Week: God’s Plan in Four Verbs
Bible Verse: He chose his servant David, calling him from the sheep pens. He took David from tending the ewes and lambs and made him the shepherd of Jacob’s descendants – God’s own people, Israel. He cared for them with a true heart and led them with skillful hands. Psalm 78:70-72 NLT (emphasis added)
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:10, Isaiah 64:8
Is there such a thing as a self-made man? While I have heard that phrase over the years, I’m not sure there is. Even if the self-made man is incredibly evil or extremely good, there still would have been many other influences in his life to make him the man he is today.
I’m certainly not a self-made man. So many incredible people and leaders have invested in my life that I can not even begin to count them all. Family, friends, pastors, colleagues, mentors, coaches, and counsellors – they all have played crucial roles in my character development. Never mind the fact that God was quarterbacking it all in my life since the very beginning.
The final verb we are focusing on today from our key verse this week is the verb “made.” As we revisit the verse, we see the Psalmist pen the words that God made David the shepherd of God’s own people.
I think there are at least two ways you could read this. The first way is that God made a way for David to be King. But I also think David was being made into a King even while he was in the sheep pens.
That’s where he learned his shepherding skills. And remember when David was about to fight Goliath, he mentioned to King Saul that God helped him kill a bear and a lion, so if God had done that before, God would help him defeat Goliath. God was making David. He was building his character the whole time.
This is great news for us today. Not only does God take us on life’s journey, as we learned about yesterday, but He also makes us into the man we need to be to fulfill His plan. He develops and builds the right things into us for each step of the way. If I submit to His leading, He will supply me with everything I need in each season life brings.
What kinds of things is God building into your life? What are you resisting?