Theme of the Week: God’s Plan in Four Verbs
Bible Verse: He chose his servant David, calling him from the sheep pens. He took David from tending the ewes and lambs and made him the shepherd of Jacob’s descendants – God’s own people, Israel. He cared for them with a true heart and led them with skillful hands. Psalm 78:70-72 NLT (emphasis added)
Scripture Reading: Romans 8:38-39, Isaiah 43:2
He chooses you. He calls you. And now, today, we want to talk about our third verb found in Psalm 78: He takes you!
When you take someone somewhere, it implies that you are going with them. That means you’re not going alone on this great adventure God has set out for you – He is taking you along! What a peaceful and reassuring thought that is. The pressure is not on me to make God’s plan happen in my own strength; God is going with me.
Another thing about when you are taking someone somewhere is the assumption that you know where you are going. For example, when you take someone fishing, you should have an idea where you are going. It’s even better if you have already been there before.
If God is taking you somewhere, you can have the assurance that He knows where He’s going. Even if it’s the future, He already sees you there. Is there anyone better to lead you into the future than Him?
The question often gets asked: What will my future be like? The better question is not what it will look like but who will be leading it. Who will be leading your future – you or God? He wants to take you, but it’s your choice to follow. In my experience, things always seem to work out better when I let Him be the one to lead.
David was taken from the sheep pens and asked to lead Israel. I’m sure he learned some important lessons during his time with the sheep that prepared him for his next season. What things do you need to learn now that will prepare you for the future that God is taking you to?
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