Learning to Surrender Daily

In Daily Devotional by Jamie Ramer

Theme of the Week: The Art of Surrender

Bible Verse: ‘For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.’ Colossians 3:3

Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:1-11, 2 Timothy 2:11-13

This past week we considered the theme of Art of Surrender. I don’t know about you but it has been both challenging and encouraging to wrestle through this topic dig into what this call of looks in my life and faith.

As a quick recap:
On Monday, we looked at the important starting point of our faith as we surrender our lives to the Lord. Our real strength comes as we follow Jesus in taking up our own cross each day. This is where the power of God is demonstrated in our lives. We rely on Him rather than seeking to trust our own strength.

On Tuesday, we considered what this kind of surrender can look like as we consider some of the big decisions in our lives. We looked at the tough issues that we face as we understand that surrender and obedience need to be of first importance.

On Wednesday we looked again at what surrender might look like even in the face of challenging circumstances. Surrender and obedience to the Lord is more important than our own risk assessments or even how it might impact us.

On Thursday, we dove into what it looks like to surrender to Jesus in our marriage and relationships. We considered this incredible calling to love our wives as Jesus loves the church and laid down His life for her.

On Friday, we considered what it looks like to surrender all of our gifts and abilities to the Lord. We wrestled with the question of whether we can trust the Lord to provide the strength we need for whatever situation He calls us to.

I can say for myself that this was certainly a challenging week. As you have seen, some of these lessons I had to learn the hard way and have needed Jesus to help me learn and relearn what it means to do this in all the areas of my life.

Thanks so much for joining me in this journey this week. Press on!

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Jamie Ramer
Jamie Ramer is the Assistant Athletic Director at Briercrest Christian Academy, College and Seminary in Saskatchewan.
Jamie Ramer
Jamie Ramer is the Assistant Athletic Director at Briercrest Christian Academy, College and Seminary in Saskatchewan.