Theme of the Week: The Art of Surrender
Bible Verse: ‘The Lord said to him “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”’ Exodus 4:11-12
Scripture Reading: Exodus 4:1-17
There have been a number of times in my life where I really questioned God’s leading in my life and why he would ask me to do something. Sometimes it seemed to me that someone else might do a better job or be better equipped.
I served for many years with an organization called Hockey Ministries International. They minister to the hockey world through camps for youth and chapel programs for teams. In 2004 I was asked to lead the chapel programing in the Ontario Hockey League. I would be asked to work with Head Coaches and GM’s to build the trust needed to provide chaplain support for the program and players.
At points I struggled to understand why God would call me to do this. I am NOT a former NHL player or someone that had great report in the world of hockey. I am NOT an extrovert. I am not the person that I pictured would be the best fit for the role. I did come to the place where I understood I needed to surrender this to the Lord and trust him to lead me and give me the strength and words that I needed.
In our passage today, Moses also doubted his ability and struggled to surrender to what God in what he was being asked. The Lord reminded Moses that it was less about him and his own abilities but ultimately about God’s power and strength. Moses needed to surrender his life to this calling and trust the Lord for what was needed.
Are there areas of your life that you doubt your abilities and need to surrender to the Lord’s leading? Perhaps you need to trust that God has called you and will equip you with all the tools you need?
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