Theme of the Week: Your Mind
Bible Verse: “As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.” Luke 8:15, ESV
Scripture Reading: Luke 8:4-15
I’ve written and directed many skits for church in a previous chapter of my life. There’s something exhilarating about writing dialogue and action, seeing it practiced, and finally experiencing the congregation’s reaction when the skit is performed. It’s the last part that’s thrilling because you don’t know how people will respond until it actually happens.
The Christian life is a lot like the process of stage acting. God is the director, the script is the Bible, and we’re the actors. We meet with the living God as the Spirit guides us in understanding his word. We study and meditate on Scripture verses and passages. We grow both in our knowledge of God and in recognizing his plan for our lives. This is all rehearsal because as tremendous as it is to develop our relationship with God, at some point, we need to live out our faith on life’s stage.
Jesus taught in the Parable of the Sower that individuals can respond to his word in four different ways (Luke 8:4-15). One individual type is shallow, allowing the devil to steal the word away from them. The second is somewhat deeper than the first but abandons the word when tested. The third lasts longer, but eventually, life’s worries and pleasures take precedence over the word.
It’s the fourth type who Jesus holds up as the ideal. These are the people who hear God’s word and let it do its work, “and by persevering produce a crop” (v. 15).
We’re called likewise to be fruitful. The Bible is meant to color our approach to the world and rouse us to take action to promote God’s kingdom. How we live out our faith will look different for different believers, but we’re all compelled by the word of God.
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