Bible Verse: Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. John 12:24-26 NIV
Scripture Reading: Acts 2:22-24; Hebrews 2:14-15
For the Christ-follower, death is never the end of the story.
This is literally true, of course. For Jesus, death was swallowed up in resurrection (Acts 2:22-24). For those of us who follow Him, our death has also been defeated (Hebrews 2:14-15). It took death to get us there, but His death has brought us life.
Like the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament that we looked at this week, we see over and over again that, in God’s Kingdom, death ultimately leads to life. Sacrifice is the doorway to glory.
Whether it is a literal death or a dying to self, sacrifice in the Kingdom is not just for the sake of sacrifice. Whatever is given up always pays off more than what was lost.
If I sacrifice time for prayer and worship, I receive blessings and God’s presence.
If I sacrifice sin (pleasurable as it may be) for holiness, I receive purity and freedom.
If I sacrifice money for God and others, I receive a harvest beyond what I sowed.
If I sacrifice vengeance for forgiveness, I receive peace in my soul.
If I sacrifice the easy path for the harder but proper path, I receive integrity and character.
If I sacrifice giving up for perseverance, I receive the reward of perseverance when the investment pays off.
If I sacrifice my own desires to serve others, I receive joy in the service.
And if I do indeed sacrifice even my very life for the Kingdom, I receive eternal life with the King, the fullness of all that I hope for.
Jesus shows us that sacrifice is a vital part of His Kingdom, and He sacrificed the most for the ones that He loved.
Men who follow Jesus will also be men of sacrifice, joyfully willing to give up whatever is necessary to serve the King and our neighbours better.
But when we do sacrifice, when we die to whatever it is that needs to die, we find greater, richer, and more abundant life on the other side.
We don’t die just for things to end in death—we die to live, to truly live, in the fullness of God, and in His better, more perfect, and fully available life.
Prayer: Lord, help me to give everything over to You. Lead me in the way of eternal life, even if it requires sacrifice, and help me to live in the fullness of Your life. Amen.
Reflection: What has been the most interesting/challenging/encouraging thought to hit you in this week of devotionals? How will that thought impact your next steps with Jesus?
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