Theme of the Week: Freedom From Fear and Anxiety
Bible Verse: I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 NLT
Scripture Reading: Romans 8:35-39; Psalm 61:1-5
Living in fear doesn’t begin as a choice. No one decides to live their life afraid of everything. It develops as we experience things that are indeed scary and frightening. Fear also can be a result of living with people who have fears of their own—it can be contagious!
The strange thing about fear is that many times it cannot be identified. Rather, it is a feeling of uncertainty, dread, and the unknown. Our imagination can run wild with the endless possibilities of what could go wrong, dangers that lurk, and uncertainty about the future. Even if none of those may not have any basis in reality, “what if” may rule our thoughts.
Now, it can be helpful to have some concern about the unknown. Yet when we are overcome and obsessed with things that cannot be known, it traps us. Instead, recognize that life does present risks, you have survived a lot of them up to this point, and will face more in the future.
When faced with fear, choose to unite your faith with your fear — be strengthened by the knowledge that while you may be afraid, you can trust that God will provide all you need to get you through the challenges of life!
“Living by faith in Jesus above, trusting, confiding in His great love; from all harm safe in His sheltering arm, I’m living by faith and feel no alarm.” – James Wells
Prayer: God, there are so many things that can cause fear. Help me to stand firm in my faith in your goodness and power. Help me not to fear, but to trust in you and your love.
Reflection: Can you create a phrase to say to yourself in moments of fear to help you remember that God is stronger than what is making you afraid?
Some content taken from 100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety. Copyright © 2021. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
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