Seek a Strong Foundation

In Daily Devotional by Paul Fraser

Theme of the Week: A Life of Purpose

Bible Verse: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 NIV

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:25-33

We all know the importance of deepening our relationship with God and having a strong spiritual foundation. If we neglect the foundations of faith, we could end up, as my friend often says, “doing the work of the Lord without knowing the Lord of the work.”

A helpful way to deepen our relationship with God is through basic practices of the Christian faith. You can’t know God’s purpose without knowing God – the two cannot be separated.

It’s important, though, to not go through these practices from the place of religious routine but because of our deep desire to be in a relationship with Jesus so we can be more like Him. Seeking God and His Kingdom and His righteousness first.

Many of us would know what these practices are, but let’s refresh ourselves with them again.


Spending time connecting with God in worship, in petitions, thanksgiving and praise, and in reflection and waiting.

Bible Reading

Spending time listening or reading Scripture; taking time to reflect and listen to what the Spirit may be saying through the text.

Other Spiritual Disciplines

fasting, silence and solitude, confession, forgiveness, gratitude, service, stewardship, etc. All these practices will help you build a strong foundation.

Growing Together

Is there anyone with whom you can share what you are learning? I have found that when I have someone to grow with, I get to share what I learn and learn from what others have shared. I also have accountability that keeps me growing when I’m consistently connecting with others.

Did you notice the connection that runs through all these practices? They all take time. If you desire to seek a strong foundation in God, it requires you to make it a priority. It requires you to make time. Which makes sense, right? What relationship is healthy without spending time together? Maybe that’s the whole point of these practices: time spent with God.

Regardless of what practices you choose, as we think about the theme of living a life of purpose, prioritizing these practices will produce the right kind of fruit in your life and help uncover God’s great plan for your life.

Prayer: Dear God, help me prioritize time with You. Help me to find others who will encourage me and sharpen me in the right areas. Help me to find the right practices that will best connect me with You. Guide me and direct me in your purposes for me.

Reflection: Who do I need to talk to this week about what God is teaching me? What disciplines have I not tried before that might be a great way for me to connect with God? Where in my calendar are there times with God?

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Paul Fraser
Paul is currently serving as the National Church Multiplication Coordinator for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. He has been in full-time ministry for 23 years. Reaching people far from God, church multiplication and the next generation are his ministry passions. Paul believes the best days are still ahead for advancing God’s Kingdom in Canada and that we all have a part to play.
Paul Fraser
Paul is currently serving as the National Church Multiplication Coordinator for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. He has been in full-time ministry for 23 years. Reaching people far from God, church multiplication and the next generation are his ministry passions. Paul believes the best days are still ahead for advancing God’s Kingdom in Canada and that we all have a part to play.