Theme of the Week: Uniqueness of Christmas
Bible Verse: “Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11
Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
The historical documents describing Jesus’ arrival in Bethlehem indicate that, at the time of his birth, there was a spirit of celebration in the air. God put on a spectacular sound and light show causing local shepherds to run to town for the amazing discovery in the manger. We don’t know what tune or rhythm the angels used, but their musical rendition of “God has arrived” was “out of this world.” Although the Wise Men showed up late for the first party, they made sure the celebration continued while presenting their special birthday gifts to the young Messiah.
The angels made it clear that this party was not just for Jesus’ family and friends. It was for everyone. God’s joy was for the entire world. His love and forgiveness in Jesus would be available for all people. His goodwill and His peace would flow to all who would receive Him.
Unfortunately, over the last 2000 years, the perspectives on this party person have often been twisted. Horrible things have been done in Jesus’ name, causing many to cringe at the very thought of Him. He has been misrepresented, maligned, and manipulated for personal gain. As a result, many people have little, if any, use for Him.
Nevertheless, after 2000 years of abuse and misunderstanding, people all over the globe continue to discover the reality of His love and forgiveness. Lives like mine, once badly broken, are restored and enriched. People once void of hope, joy, love and meaning are now overflowing with vibrant life.
The arrival of God in flesh is quite an announcement – even for angels! Perhaps they realized better than we possibly can just how significant it is. The Bible indicates that every time a person anywhere on earth discovers Christ for who He really is and turns to Him, heaven throws a party and the angels rejoice.
This year let’s help them pull out all the stops. Over two thousand years is a long look back, but the view is incredible! I say it’s time to celebrate!
Dave Petrescue in Pastor Dave’s Reflections. ©Brenda Petrescue, 2008. Used By Permission.
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