We Can’t Do It Alone

In Daily Devotional by Phil Wagler

Theme of the Week: Marriage Celebration

Bible Verse:  “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him.” Genesis 2:18, CSB

Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:1-25

Our three-year-old son was tired and spent. After being asked to pick up his toys, he proceeded to walk about the house in tears, crying, “I can’t do it on my own!”

God knows this is the case for all of us. The first expression of the image of God is the just and benevolent stewarding of creation. This is an enormous responsibility, and it is too much to do alone. It would have been priceless to see Adam’s face when presented with the task at hand. If we feel overwhelmed at the enormity of managing a home, a business, a classroom, or a crew, how must have Man first felt? “I can’t do it on my own!”

God declares everything created in Genesis 1 good. There is nothing that requires a mulligan. Nothing, except lonely work. This cannot be missed: God’s intention is greater than ending the unique loneliness of Adam not even a puppy could fill. God seeks to end lonely stewardship. There is to be a joyful partnership in the labor of love God initiated. The coming together of woman and man is more about working together in the garden or changing diapers while the other makes dinner, than it is about expensive nights on the town. Partnership is not for the sake of self-fulfillment; it is partnership for the sake of furthering the goodness of God in the world he created.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, thank you for the partnership you have given us. Open our eyes to the unique role we have together in stewarding the part of your world we inhabit. Empower us by your Spirit for the labour of love our partnership is meant to be. Amen

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Phil Wagler
Phil Wagler is North American Hub Co-ordinator for the Peace and Reconciliation Network and is currently the Lead Pastor at Kelowna Fellowship Church in BC. He is a columnist for numerous magazines and the author of Kingdom Culture and Gain. Save. Give. Phil is a sports enthusiast, a life-long learner, and eternally grateful for the costly grace of discipleship.
Phil Wagler
Phil Wagler is North American Hub Co-ordinator for the Peace and Reconciliation Network and is currently the Lead Pastor at Kelowna Fellowship Church in BC. He is a columnist for numerous magazines and the author of Kingdom Culture and Gain. Save. Give. Phil is a sports enthusiast, a life-long learner, and eternally grateful for the costly grace of discipleship.