Are you a man who lives your life with a sense of purpose and intentionality? We’ve heard it said that God “calls” people like pastors, teachers, and missionaries into ministry, …
Do You Have the Courage to Reconcile?
Jacob and Esau were twins. The fruit of the beautiful love story of Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau entered the world with a stark warning that a war was …
Man: You are Called to Give Hope!
This is Part-3 out of a three-part series on the Easter celebration this year. Man: You are Called to Give Hope! I have a good friend caught in the war …
Man: You are Called to be a Peacemaker!
This is Part-2 out of a three-part series on the Easter celebration this year. Man: You are Called to be a Peacemaker! Conflict and division all around. Where are the …
Men: You Are Called to be Reconciled!
The Christian calendar has many important events and traditions throughout the year. These events and traditions have, over the centuries, served as reminders of who God is, what He has …
Your Kids Want Your Attention
How much are you wiling to spend? My four-year-old called me to attention. I was with him—I think waiting for him to finish going to the bathroom—when he pointedly declared, …
Earning the Trust of Others by Loving Like Jesus
During the turbulent pandemic year of 2020, war erupted between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the landlocked South Caucasus region of Nagorno-Karabakh. A historically disputed area, the new conflict was the …
Healing Painful Memories
Time does not heal all wounds I have a distinct memory of my Dad crying. My Dad was not a very emotional guy, so when I saw him in tears …
You Need Circles of Care
A fortieth birthday is the presumptive middle point pit stop we seem to all pull off on this road trip of life. Just before I turned forty, my family moved …
Why Do We Need the Church?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Christians around the world – along with the rest of society – had to stop meeting like they once did. This abruptly shifted the rhythms many …