Theme of the Week: Marriage Celebration
Bible Verse: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her.” Ephesians 5:25, CSB
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:21-33
The word “love” in this verse means to intentionally seek the highest good for the other. Not just any good. The highest good. It’s actively pursuing the best for your wife in every respect, but especially spiritually.
Men, your highest aim in your marriage is to be your wife’s sanctifier.
Everything in this passage points to Jesus sanctifying the church, working in her to bring about her perfection. And Jesus did this perfectly by giving the church the highest good: himself.
This “love” isn’t waiting for your wife to give a valid reason for you to respond favorably. No, you love your wife like Jesus loved the church. You love her with her in mind, not you. God brought you together to have the kind of spiritual influence in her life that would not otherwise be there had he not brought you together.
How does this happen? Pray for her. Pray with her. Lead your family with mercy. Find a Bible-preaching, gospel-loving, grace-filled church, become members, and submit your family to their Biblical authority. Lead your family in worship at home and at church. Remind her that you’re trying to help her love Jesus more than she loves you.
Most importantly, pursue Jesus yourself. Be a man of God. Set the right example for your family. Go on dates with her. Laugh with each other. Laugh at each other. And tell her every day this week that you’re praying God will help you love her like Jesus loved the church.
Give yourself up for her. That’s why you’re together.
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