If your wife was a victim of past sexual abuse, you know the damage and hurt it causes. With 1 in 4 girls experiencing some form of sexual abuse before they are 18 years old (US DOJ), there are a larger number of married couples dealing with haunted marriages. Depression, anxiety, nightmares and substance abuse are just some of the consequences. Even more challenging is forming and maintaining healthy relationships.
In this podcast, Dr. Barbara Wilson offers hope. She talks about what your wife needs and how you can help with useful advice on how to help those victims to start their recovery journey.
Dr. Barbara Wilson is an author, psychotherapist and the founder of Freedom Bound Communications, an organization that brings healing and hope to those with a sexual past. Released from a past of her own, Barbara brings neuroscience, Scripture and her own story to help couples move forward to healing.
Related Links and Resources:
- Dr. Barbara Wilson’s Website
- Article: Haunted Marriage
- Dr. Barbara Wilson’s books: The Invisible Bond: How to Break Free from Your Sexual Past and Kiss Me Again: Restoring Lost Intimacy in Marriage
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