dad busting working at home while holding a baby on his lap and his daughter dancing on his chair

Work During COVID-19

In Culture, Life Issues, Podcast, Social Issues, Work by Impactus Podcast

Work is a good gift from God, but COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the work of millions of men.  In this edition of the podcast, we feature a roundtable conversation with Kirk Giles (former President of Promise Keepers Canada), Mauricio Rosa (Content Manager), and Paul La Vigne (Director of Operations).  In this candid conversation, we look at how work is shifting for so many men and how to navigate the changes and challenges you are facing.  We will talk about:

  • How to handle job loss.  This includes first-hand perspective from Paul after a significant job loss he faced only one year ago.
  • Why work changes impact men so deeply.
  • How to handle changing work conditions – including working from home and balancing family life.

We invite you to share this podcast with other men who may be facing changes in their work at this time.

Impactus Podcast
This is a Christian podcast for men. Each episode focuses on real-life issues men care about. Together we explore what it means to live day to day with authentic faith.
Impactus Podcast
This is a Christian podcast for men. Each episode focuses on real-life issues men care about. Together we explore what it means to live day to day with authentic faith.