What’s the Next New Thing in Men’s Ministry?

In Leadership Tips, Men’s Ministry, Videos by Impactus

A new thing can be a great tool to accomplish what you are already in the course of achieving. A “new thing” becomes a trap when it becomes the end goal and no longer a means to the end. If you are doing new things only to attract your men to your ministry, you will be caught in a trap of coming up with new things in order to maintain it. Ultimately, that will frustrate you and your men.

Before you look to implement the next new thing – ask yourself: How does this fit in the plan I have to disciple the men in our church? Will it make the Gospel clearer, or will it distract men from it?

Equipping men for a life of purpose and godly impact. For over twenty-five years, Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities. We are expanding our impact and influence by being faithful to Jesus’ command—“Go and make disciples.”
Equipping men for a life of purpose and godly impact. For over twenty-five years, Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities. We are expanding our impact and influence by being faithful to Jesus’ command—“Go and make disciples.”