
In Daily Devotional by Phil Wagler

Theme of the Week: Devoted

Bible Verse:  “So the LORD God sent him away from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken.” Genesis 3:23, CSB

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:21-24

Few things reveal who we are, like the intensity of a road trip. Sharing space, navigating maps, and experiencing bedtime routines is an eye-opener. Maybe this is one reason marriages typically begin with a honeymoon. Maybe this is why we understand what it means when someone says, “The honeymoon is over!”

Scripture says that with the arrival of sin, humanity is banished from the garden. God drives Adam and Eve from Eden. With the end of innocence, paradise is lost, and a long journey begins. Life becomes about survival, living with pain, and eking out a living from the ground we were formed and to which we will one day return. It is enormously significant that the only other recorded episode in the marital journey of Eve and Adam is one of dysfunction. A son murders a son (Genesis 4). Marriage becomes shared sorrow and the seedbed for blame and soul-wrenching disappointment.

This is not what we sign up for. This is not what we make love for. And, yet, this is what covenant is all about: endurance for the long haul, come what may. Every marriage leaves the honeymoon behind. Every happy couple will grieve uniquely. The journey is long, and much will happen that is unplanned and unwanted.

God drives us on, but he does not abandon us. We will know him better in our suffering if we remain faithful to him and each other.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, grant us grace and mercy for this journey we share. Give us understanding of your will in our pain and disappointment. Thank you that in Jesus Christ, you have identified with our suffering and have overcome. Empower us by your Spirit to persevere for your glory. Amen

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Phil Wagler
Phil Wagler is North American Hub Co-ordinator for the Peace and Reconciliation Network and is currently the Lead Pastor at Kelowna Fellowship Church in BC. He is a columnist for numerous magazines and the author of Kingdom Culture and Gain. Save. Give. Phil is a sports enthusiast, a life-long learner, and eternally grateful for the costly grace of discipleship.
Phil Wagler
Phil Wagler is North American Hub Co-ordinator for the Peace and Reconciliation Network and is currently the Lead Pastor at Kelowna Fellowship Church in BC. He is a columnist for numerous magazines and the author of Kingdom Culture and Gain. Save. Give. Phil is a sports enthusiast, a life-long learner, and eternally grateful for the costly grace of discipleship.