Bible Verse: “I am the true vine …” John 15:1 CSB
Scripture Reading: John 15:1-8
Every man wants to be a success. I have never met a man who is hoping to fail in life. But is there a secret to being a successful man?
In the Bible, success is not about your economic standing; it is focused on how fruitful your life is.
In John 15, Jesus declares Himself to be the true vine.
The idea of Him being the vine is to focus us on the sustaining power of Christ.
For many men, it makes sense to trust Jesus for our eternal life or help us escape a jam. But Jesus is more than a silver bullet we call on when we are in trouble. He is the one who sustains your life and makes you fruitful.
In John 15:5, He makes a stunning statement: “You can do nothing without me.”
Don’t race past those words. Reread them.
You can do nothing without Jesus.
The only way to a fruitful life, the only way to true success, is through abiding in Jesus. You can try to set your goals and fill your calendar with activity, but nothing matters unless you are joined in union with Jesus. He is the source of everything you need to produce a fruitful life.
Abiding in Christ means that you, first of all, need to know Him. Have you placed your faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and to be made right with God?
It also means having an intimate, close relationship with Him. You must keep walking with Jesus daily – talking to Him and letting Him speak to you.
Abiding is the balance of meditating on and resting in God’s love for you (John 15:9) and obeying what God says for your life (John 15:10).
There is a way to find true success, to glorify God, and to prove you are a disciple of Jesus. It happens as you trust Jesus to be more than your way to heaven; He is the source of your entire life.
Prayer: God, show me how to be a man with a life that bears much fruit. Amen.
Reflection: What does the fruit of your life look like today? What is one step you can take to abide a little more closely to Jesus today?
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