Are you a man who lives your life with a sense of purpose and intentionality?
We’ve heard it said that God “calls” people like pastors, teachers, and missionaries into ministry, but what about the rest of us?
Do we have a “calling” on our lives?
In this podcast, Dean sits down with Phil Wagler, who is certainly no stranger to Impactus!
Phil lives in British Columbia with his family. He has recently written a book called Live Your Assignment: Being Christ’s Ambassador in 7 Spheres of Life, which explores the idea that every believer has been given an assignment by God to fulfill in every area of our lives.
He has a unique take on discipleship and calling and challenges believers everywhere to apply these principles to their lives.
Phil has lived these ideas as a believer, son, husband, father, pastor, mission leader, and servant in the broader Body of Christ through working with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and the World Evangelical Association.
Phil Wagler is deeply committed to inspiring and equipping the local church for a holistic mission and the ministry of reconciliation, which you will hear about in this interview.
Dean and Phil cover a variety of topics and ideas in this conversation, including:
- How “reconciliation” is truly the centre of the Gospel, where we are reconciled to God, ourselves, others, and Creation.
- Exploring the implications of giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s and giving to God what is God’s (Matthew 22:21).
- What it means to be an “ambassador” of Christ, and the posture an ambassador takes in representing the Kingdom and the King.
- The spheres of influence God has given to every believer (not just the “professional” ministers!) and how to embrace being an ambassador in each of these areas.
- What it means to truly “let go” to God and the wonderful blessings that come when we do.
- Why “faithfulness” is more important than “vision” in a believer’s life.
- Knowing that there is no “just” in the Kingdom of God (e.g. “I’m ‘just’ a plumber…” “I’m ‘just’ a homemaker…”; every assignment that God gives to a believer is significant!
Join us for this fascinating conversation with Dean and Phil!
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