A top NHL prospect, Matt was told by his agent, “You will get drafted”. But after an unexpected injury put his hockey career on hold, Matt was left to try and understand who he was, and when, or if he could get back on the ice.
During his pain and disappointment, God started drawing him into a deeper relationship with Him. That began a journey of recovery from an addiction to pornography, as well as hope and discovering who he was, and what he was meant for.
Matt reminds us that our problems, failures, and even successes don’t define who we are, God does.
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This Is Me TV
Stories of inspiration, hope and faith. Videos encourage and empower us to live unashamed for God with purpose and passion, as they use their God-given gifts to influence culture. We travel the world to bring you the best stories from some of your favorite artists, athletes and more.This Is Me TV
Stories of inspiration, hope and faith. Videos encourage and empower us to live unashamed for God with purpose and passion, as they use their God-given gifts to influence culture. We travel the world to bring you the best stories from some of your favorite artists, athletes and more.