Fear is Powerful But Not Invincible

In Daily Devotional, Life Issues, Stress, Fear & Anxiety by Mauricio Rosa

Theme of the Week: Freedom From Fear and Anxiety

Bible Verse: His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. 2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV

Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 1:1-10

Do you have any fears?

Is there anything in your life that causes your heart to pump extra hard every time you think about that particular issue?

Whether it’s finances, health, family issues, work, you can name it, at some level, we all face some fear and anxiety.

For some people, these are just mundane considerations of every day. For others, these can be their very source of stress, anxiety, and fear.

Fear and anxiety are a God-given capacity to us. They are not inherently bad or wrong. However, like everything in Creation, sin has broken it. All the good aspects of our God-given capacities have become out of focus or out of tune, at best. Or, out of order and a source of despair at worse.

In this passage of 2 Peter 1:3-4, the Apostle Peter reminds us that God has given us everything we need for a godly life in Christ. Moving from unbelief to belief is to daily rely on God’s promises of grace.

This week we will see that fear is powerful but not invincible. We will see that our war is a constant one between belief and unbelief in God’s promises. Everyday.

In his book Whiter Than Snow, Paul Tripp writes,

“God has promised to sustain us by his grace. He has promised us the sustaining grace of forgiveness, so that we can stand before him unafraid. He has promised the sustaining grace of enablement, giving us the strength to do what he calls us to do. He has promised us the sustaining grace of protection, delivering us from evil. He has promised us the sustaining grace of wisdom, protecting us from our own foolishness. He has promised us the sustaining grace of perseverance, keeping us until the final enemy has been defeated. He has promised the sustaining grace of eternity, giving us the hope of a day when the struggle will be over.”1


Prayer: God, I know that my emotions are part of how you have made me. But they are also impacted by sin. Help me to understand that you have given me the tools I need to live for you in this world and that your loved drives out fear.

Reflection: If you are struggling during this season with health uncertainties, financial challenges, family issues, and so on, remind yourself of God’s given grace available for you in Christ, today.

1 Tripp, Paul, Whiter Than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy, Crossway, 2008, p.23
Some content taken from 100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety Daily Devotional by Stephen Arterburn. Copyright © 2021. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
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Mauricio Rosa
Mauricio Rosa is a pastor at First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary. His passions are teaching and discipleship. He is married to Christin and together they have three children.
Mauricio Rosa
Mauricio Rosa is a pastor at First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary. His passions are teaching and discipleship. He is married to Christin and together they have three children.