Join Us For The
7-Day Husband Challenge!

Careful maintenance is a no-brainer if you want to keep anything in great shape. The same is true for our marriage. Would you consider joining us on the 7-Day Husband Challenge this February 6 to 12?

Each day you will receive a devotional and video, along with a daily challenge and conversation prompt to your inbox.

These daily challenges will help encourage greater intimacy, deeper communication, and a more Christ-centred marriage.

*2022 Husband Challenge has finished. Sign up for our daily devotional designed for men to grow your relationship with Jesus.



February 6 - 12

Day 1 – We Are To Be Initiators

How would your marriage begin to look different if you became the primary initiator in your home without seeking any reward, or affirmation for it?

Day 2 – We Are To Be Protectors

What if protecting our wives is less about flexing our masculine muscles, but providing a trustworthy, stable, reliable environment for her to live and thrive?


Day 3 – We Are To Be Comforters

Often times, in our attempts to help our wives feel better, it is easy to tell them all the ways they can eliminate or fix the problem – but often times what they are looking for first is a listening ear.


Day 4 – We Are To Serve

Serving isn’t pretty – it’s uncomfortable and messy. But it’s key if you want to love and lead well.

Day 5 – We Are To Pursue

Once you understand how deeply God loves and cares for you, then you can love your wife similarly. When you grasp how he’s chosen and forgiven you, you can greater understand what it means to truly love our wives as Christ loves the Church – he doesn’t stop.

Day 6 – We Are To Pray

Praying together is a unifying, faith-building, and encouraging act that if practiced could have a dramatic impact on your marriage.

Day 7 – We Are To Be Doers

Imagine how your marriage might look different if you awoke each day with the desire to serve your wife and lay down your life?

Are you up for the challenge? 

Sign up now to get each daily challenge right in your inbox!
*2022 Husband Challenge has finished. Sign up for our daily devotional designed for men to grow your relationship with Jesus.