The Thing Beneath the Thing. Dealing with Your Stuff to Live Strong and Courageous
Have you ever wondered why you do some of the things you do? Why do you react a certain way, why do you get triggered or irritated so easily, or why do you sometimes lose it only to regret it later?
The apostle Paul asked similar questions in Romans 7:15 “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.”
In this episode, Steve Carter shares the importance of abiding in Christ. One of the pieces that we often miss in scripture is the presence of God. When we break down the scriptures, we realize that God is everywhere, that He is present right now, and if He is here, He is up to something.
An Invitation
As men, we often have the mentality, “I have to do this for this person,” “I have to provide for my family,” “I have to do this for my community…for my church”. The invitation from Christ is more than just to do something.
The invitation from Christ is first to come and follow Him, to be with Him and see how He does it.
With all the pressures and hurries in our world, it is no wonder many find it difficult to abide in God’s presence, sit, rest and learn. However, when we take time and experience His presence, we will find our peace and joy in Christ.
We cannot microwave spiritual formation. It takes time to grow, to heal, to mend, to discover your passions, your prejudices, your fears and hopes, your strengths and weaknesses, just like a good bottle of wine. ~ Steve Carter
Spiritual formation is a process that takes time and requires we enter into the presence of God daily. We will see wholeness in our lives if we commit to abide in Christ.
Everyone that goes to the gym knows this is true. Muscle growth and development take time and consistency. In the same way, our spiritual growth requires the consistent presence of God.
The Thing Beneath The Thing
When we react to something or someone, we are often reenacting something from our past. Our reaction points to a place in our hearts where we need healing and wholeness only found as we abide in Christ.
God wants us to be spiritually whole and healthy so that we can become better men, husbands, friends, and leaders.
Today, be willing to get to the thing beneath the thing. Talk to a friend, see a counsellor, and take a step forward.
Remember when Jesus said:
“I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NRSV